4 Thoughts on Improv and Self Care.

Even though performing in front of people and getting up on stage without a script can be nerve-racking, there’s a host of subtle ways we can internalise some of the lessons of improv for our own personal wellness. At the same time, as we continue on our improv journey, it’s important to take care of ourselves as we learn and grow.

Practicing Self-Kindness:
Engaging in improv encourages us to be kinder to ourselves by fostering a mindset that accepts risks and forgives mistakes. By dedicating time for play we can treat ourselves without worrying about other things.

Exploring Emotions and Understanding Others:
Improv facilitates self-awareness and emotional exploration. As we learn to portray various characters and emotions we get better in touch with ourselves. Improvising with others both requires and fosters empathy, respect, and admiration!

Learning from Failure and Taking Risks
The accepting nature of improv, where mistakes are viewed as gifts, fosters an environment where we can comfortably take risks and embrace failure. This shift in perspective teaches us not to strive for perfection but to enjoy the learning process.

Embracing a Supportive Community
Improv has a truly global reach and the inherent trust and honesty in improv creates an open and encouraging atmosphere. Feeling connected to a community gives us a sense of belonging which in turn can contributes to a positive self-identity.


Why You Should Take a Break.


On the Importance of Play