Why Improv is Great for A-Type Personalities & Control Freaks

Fellow A-type personalities, this one is for you! If you've ever found yourself struggling with perfectionism or the need for control, you're in the right place. If you’re looking to break free from the constraints of perfectionist tendencies, get out of your own way, and find greater joy in life's unpredictable journey... Join us on this exploration of how improv can help you let go, thrive, and grow!

Uncertainty is a reality of life and Improv invites you to step into the unknown without a plan, rather than fight against it. It helps loosen the control by showing us that adapting, improvising, and becoming comfortable with the unpredictable, allows us to move through it with more ease, and actually delivers a better final result.

Struggle with getting started? In Improv, the right choice is the one you make, and see through to the end. It teaches us that not only are mistakes part of the process, but that imperfection can lead to unexpected brilliance. New, surprising, and far better results can be achieved when you let go of what you think something needs to be, and discover what it actually is.

You simply cannot get there alone. Improv is all about teamwork and encourages A-Types to collaborate, listen to others, and work together to create something amazing. Just like in the business world, the contributions of the group make the outcome richer, more layered, and stronger overall. It’s also a huge pressure-reliever to shift the focus from individual achievement to group success.

Improv teaches you to silence your inner critic and trust your instincts. If you tend to overthink things, or experience self-doubt, improv encourages you to be more trusting and authentic in your interactions. How? Improv directly trains you to go with the flow and be more generous with yourself and others by rewarding you with a better outcome. When the pressure is removed, ideas can flow again.

Perfectionists often fixate on the end result, removing value and enjoyment from the process itself. Improv emphasizes the importance of being present, enjoying the moment, and looking at what’s right in front of you before taking the next step. It fosters a greater appreciation for the journey itself, and as a result, the outcome works out better!

A-Type personalities tend to play it safe, minimising risk and holding the reigns tightly. But for real progress, big ideas, and creativity to have a chance, we have to be willing to take bigger swings. Improv encourages risk-taking and stepping outside your comfort zone. By doing so, you develop resilience, adaptability, and the ability to handle unexpected challenges. You also widen your idea of what is possible.

So there you have it! Improv helps you embrace uncertainty, break free from perfectionism, collaborate effectively, get out of your own way, enjoy the process, and take bold risks. So, if you're seeking personal growth and a more relaxed approach to life, give improv a try!


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