What’s an Improv Training Session Like?

❓️Wondering what improv could do for your organisation? We've got answers!

From personal development and skill building to targeted problem solving and culture changes, we’ve got you covered with the most efficient and proven training on offer. Participants leave our sessions with newly embedded techniques to work together more successfully, increasing satisfaction and motivation in your team.

Applied improv workshops foster a safe and collaborative environment which, in itself, is an invaluable outcome. Our expert trainers use tried and tested fast-paced exercises to get people out of their heads, preconceptions and comfort zones, and into the zone. While just a couple of hours can result in a wonderful experience and lasting changes, the longer the session, the more the tools can be mastered, and the longer term the effects will be.

We tailor every workshop and coaching session to your specific needs, even if you book one of our ready to go workshops, which is why our collaboration always begins with hearing what your goals are for your team, and for the session. We want to boost your team’s confidence, helping them become more cohesive, cooperative, and flexible. Our goal is to bring out the best in each individual, so that they leave at the end of the session feeling invigorated and excited to get back to work.

Workshops always start off with some easy ice-breakers to build confidence, and allow the group to relax into a fun and supportive headspace. With the team ready to play, we explain the theme of the session and lay out some basic principles for participating, putting at ease any inhibitions or preconceptions. Depending on the topic, each session comprises a mixture of individual, group, and partner exercises, designed to allow each participant to practice the targeted skills and integrate them in the moment.

By the end of the session, participants are usually bursting with observations and realisations, which is why we always take time to reflect on our experiences and takeaways. Through the group debrief, we have the benefit of everyone’s experience, as well as our own, and cement the group experience and shared results for future reference.

To help solidify these practices, teams receive a follow-up package with a list of completed activities and tools, as well as some simple exercises for participants to utilise as they continue their growth and practice.

🔗📱 If you're ready to take the leap, get in touch with us and we’ll help you find the perfect way to bring improv into your workplace!


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