How “Yes, and…” Can Take Your Further.

In the world of improv, the golden rule of "Yes, and..." tells us to accept the reality presented by our scene partner with enthusiasm, and help to build upon it. But this rule isn't just for the stage— it can transform your entire life. Here's how embracing "Yes, and..." can unlock new possibilities and change your mindset.

  1. New Adventures
    A default 'no' may come from a place of insecurity or reluctance, but pushing through light feelings of discomfort to try something new or follow an unknown path can lead to new experiences, opportunities, and challenges. Embrace the unknown, and watch your life transform into a thrilling journey.

  2. A Handy Road Map
    Saying "Yes" is just the beginning. The real magic happens when you add "And..." This provides you with a roadmap to what might come next, helps eliminate distractions, and eases anxieties by focusing on what is, right now. By building upon your successes, you open doors to even greater achievements.

  3. Connection & Empathy
    There are a million and one reasons to disagree with someone, but by accepting and building upon others' ideas with curiosity, you allow empathy to come first. This can lead to deeper and more human connections, and help with conflict resolution and community building.

  4. Creativity & Flow
    The "Yes, and..." mindset ignites your creative brilliance. Ideas flow more freely when you are working in the positive and adding to something, rather than eliminating and fighting against. In this space, innovation flourishes as things seem more possible.

  5. Goodbye Cynicism
    Negativity and cynicism might seem like a logical response to the world we live in, but they actually get in the way of affecting change. The "Yes, and" mentality allows us to regain optimism and feel proactive about our actions, rather than stuck in a cycle of denial and paralysis.

  6. What It’s Not
    "Yes, and" is not a permit for toxic positivity or a "good vibes only" bumper sticker. It does not eliminate legitimate critique or your right to say no at any time, for any reason. When faced with a complaint, or negative emotions a true "Yes, and"-er will respond with curiosity and openness.


5 Ways Improv Will Change Your Life


The Science Behind a Night at the Theatre.